Issue: Pearl Echo Workstation software fails to install when using Group Policy Object; ISScript.msi error appears in Event Log
Product: Pearl Echo 7
Applies to: All Builds


The Pearl Echo Workstation installation uses an InstallShield installer engine to conform with Microsoft Logo standards. Machines that do not have the installer engine installed display the message, "The InstallScript engine is missing from this machine. If available, please run ISScript.msi, or contact your support personnel for further assistance."

The Pearl Echo Workstation setup.exe file that is run via script or manually on a workstation automatically checks for the InstallShield engine and installs it if the engine is missing. Installing the Pearl Echo Workstation .msi file via GPO does not perform this check prior to installation.



Solution: Deploy the InstallShield engine directly or through GPO before installing the Pearl Echo Workstation Agent. The file ISScript.msi is available in the Pearl Echo Workstation installation folder.



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