Issue: Importing Common Block and Allow Starter Lists (Facebook, Google, etc.)
Product: Pearl Echo
Applies to: All Builds


Below are common starter lists for Pearl Software's Internet Management products.



To import the list:

  1. Save the starter list file to your computer's hard drive.
  2. In the Administration Console, go to File->Import Text menu and select the saved file.
  3. On the 'Import File Properties' screen select the following:
    • Delimited Text File: Comma
    • Import Destination: Control Lists
    • Select the Appropriate Block or Allow list in which to import.
  4. Click on OK. Once imported be sure to save your changes.

This list is provided to you in a non-encrypted format. You are welcome to edit the list as needed. Use of this list is governed by the terms and conditions as detailed in your product End-User License Agreement.


Starter Lists:

Download the following Block and Allow Starter Lists:



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